A Woman Who Inspires Mariah

womens-history-month-banner-lp Today’s guest blogger is our wonderful assistant, Mariah. You may have chatted with her on twitter recently, or checked out the amazing resources page she made for our website. Mariah wrote about a woman who inspires her below:

women-who-inspire-banner-g As you all know, March is Women’s History Month. All month long, I have been thinking about a woman who inspires me. Now I am a huge fan of Jennifer Morrison and Ginnifer Goodwin, but one of my biggest heroes, who I have been a fan of since middle school, is Jorja Fox.

Courtesy of jorjafox.net

Courtesy of jorjafox.net

Jorja stars in my favorite television shows, CSI, as Sara Sidle. If it wasn’t for Jorja, I honestly have no idea how I would have made through school: School was one of the worst times of my life. I was bullied quite a lot, and had very few friends. I hated having to go every day. The only thing that made it better was getting to go home and watch an interview of her or an episode of CSI. I always thought she was funny, and I loved getting to hear her talk about whatever animal she was helping. It made me feel better and whenever I felt down at school, I would think back to the interview that I watched and it would make me smile. I even pretended to be sick one time, so I could stay home from school and watch her on The View… Best “sick” day ever! Jorja inspires me in a lot of ways. Like me, Jorja loves animals; she works with the Animal Defenders International and the Humane Society of the United States for animal rights.

In a recent interview that she did on The Talk, she stated that she was chubby and tall as a kid. It made me think that if she can become an amazing actor and advocate, then even someone as awkward as me can do it too. But my biggest reason that she inspires me is that she doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her: in a recent photo shoot she did, back in November for Sweden with Love she talks about how she’s finally reached a part in her life where it doesn’t matter to her what people think of her. This helps me to realize that it shouldn’t matter what people think of me either, if I love myself, that’s the only approval I need. I hope one day I can have the pleasure of meeting Jorja and thanking her for helping during one of the toughest times of my life. I believe Jorja is a really great role model and someone that we can all look up to. You can follow her on twitter @JorjaFoxofficia resource-mariah

Thank you so much for sharing this piece of inspiration with us, Mariah! I hope everyone is able to check out Jorja’s website and efforts, and let Mariah know below what you think!